Impeccably well bred, from the sire of the moment Cornet Obolensky and from a mare which already has offspring competing to 1.40m and has produced a PSG Dressage horse!
Bazinga has so much to like about him, he is super athletic, has huge scope, a big stride and he oozes quality.
Sire Cornet Obolensky needs no introduction; he has dominated the sport and breeding world for over a decade. Phenomenally successful as both a sport and breeding stallion, the 18-year-old is still as popular for breeding today as he was at the height of his international career. His good looks, temperament and outstanding technique and scope, and that of his offspring, have seen him counted amongst the best stallions in the world for heritability and reliability. Today, his children and grand-children fly the Cornet Obolensky flag at the top level all over the globe.
This super young horse still has plenty of growing to do and will make a fantastic breeding and sport prospect!
Sold with vetting & X-rays, open to further inspection if required.
Breaking service available
***Shipping worldwide***